A large breed of cat with blazing blue eyes and a remarkably docile nature, the Ragdoll also happens to be one of the youngest breeds of cat in the world. In fact, all members of this breed can be traced back to a rescue cat named Josephine that lived close to breeder Ann Baker in the 1960s. And thanks to the flexible offerings of PIA, arranging pet insurance for Ragdoll cats is easy and affordable.
The Ragdoll breed has a rather unique background story. It’s a very young breed, with roots in the 1960s. American cat breeder, Ann Baker, started with a litter of kittens from a non-pedigree, domestic cat in her neighbourhood. This and subsequent litters were sired by Birman or Burmese-like cats, and this laid the foundation for the breed.
Baker noted that the cats in this litter were large and unusually docile, so she continued the selection process to isolate these traits.
While the move may have seemed eccentric at the time, it certainly paid off in a relatively short amount of time. Today, the Ragdoll is recognised by all major cat registries, and this relatively new breed continues to expand its territory around the world. As this trend continues, a growing number of people are interested in taking out cat insurance for Ragdoll Cats.
23-28 cm
Female: 3.6 – 6.8 kg
Male: 5.4 – 9.1 kg
Docile, affectionate, intelligent and easy to handle
14-15 years
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Plush coat of long guard hairs without a dense undercoat
Red, seal, chocolate, tortoiseshell
Patterns: bi-colour, mitted, colourpoint and van
Regular combing and brushing ensures that the Ragdoll’s ‘rabbit-like fur’ doesn’t become matted.
Ragdoll cats are typically large, with a silky, semi-longhair coat. Their seemingly placid demeanour is offset by a pair of blazing blue eyes. These eyes combine with the typical colourpoint pattern to create the Ragdoll’s trademark look.
This breed is also known for its docility – especially when being handled. In fact, this is where the name ‘Ragdoll’ comes from. Some insist that the ‘floppy’ nature of this cat when being held is reminiscent of a plush doll.
Often referred to as ‘the puppy of the cat world’, the Ragdoll often takes a greater interest in the life of its owner than other breeds do. Some follow their owners around the house, and most owners claim that their cats are there to greet them at the door when they return home in the evening. Some even claim to have taught their Ragdolls to come when called and play fetch.
If you would like to learn more about PIA’s pet insurance for Ragdoll cats, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. You’ll find that we have a range of flexible plans on offer, with coverage to suit a variety of needs and circumstances.
*2 Month Offer Terms & Conditions can be viewed by clicking here
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